Our Team

Sophie and Kate will be the head coaches and business owners of Solar Gymnastics.

With a huge amount of experience behind them both, they can't wait to get started and bring their experience to Wishaw!

Sophie Terris

Kate Sefton

Frequently Asked Question

How long are classes on for?

Our Parent and Toddler class and our Preschool class is 45 mins.

All other classes are 1 hour.

My child is 5, should they be in Level 1 or Preschool?

If your child is still in nursery and is 5 years old, they should come to our Preschool class!

If your child is in Primary 1, no matter their age, they should come to our Level 1 (5-8 years) class.

My child has no gymnastics experience, can they still take part?

Anyone can take part at SOLAR Gymnastics. We would love for any child who wants to do gymnastics, feel welcome, no matter their personal goals or their ability. Any child with the determination to learn is welcome to in our club.


Post Address and Mail




Office: 94 Main Street, Wishaw, ML2 7LU

Get In Touch

Assistance Hours:

Mon – Sun 9:00am – 9:00pm

Phone Number:


94 Main St, Wishaw ML2 7LU, UK

94 Main Street, Wishaw

Call 07700163334

Email: info@solargymnastics.com

Site: www.solargymnastics.com

Copyright 2022 . All rights reserved